If you have already received that special little doTERRA package for you to try and experience, you’re in the right spot.
Thank you for completing the Healing Oilistic Sample Request Form and opening up on what your top health priorities are at the moment. I have carefully chosen 1, 2 or 3 essential oils to give you a “7 Day Experience” with, which will support you in this positive health journey.
I strongly believe you will learn and appreciate that these pure and natural essential oils will come to be a great tool for bringing back harmony, energy and strength in your body.
Let’s start in one area, the one you’ve selected, and later on it will create a beneficial ripple effect in your overall health.
Did you know that your body is designed to heal itself when it properly receives what it needs?
The perfect example is what happens when you have a cut or scrape. Your body goes right to work to heal it, if needed a scab occurs, then the scab falls off and before you know it you have new healed skin.
Within months, every organ and body part in your body becomes new or refreshed when they are correctly sustained and taken care of. The trouble begins when you are not taking care of your body and not giving it the proper support to heal and get better.
The good news is Mother Nature has paramount wisdom and natural riches such as essential oils.
Extraordinary power and brilliantly amazing harmony, that’s how our Nature is designed.
Essential oils offer our body the similar delightful harmony that exists in nature.
I’m really excited for you to open up the package I’ve sent you!
Click the HEALTH AREA below which you picked and start learning how to use essential oils correctly.
You’re about to start your doTerra Essential oil experience.
Once you receive your special package from me, just click the HEALTH GOAL below that you needed support for and follow the specific instructions for exactly 7 DAYS!
©Life by Zarine – Zarine Bharda