What Heals You? – Healing Yoga

I started my yoga journey about 12 years ago when someone dear to me had been killed. I needed to find peace. Healing Yoga first started as an outlet to allow myself to heal as I really didn’t know how else to. I figured it would be something new to try and something I could do also as a time pass. My yoga journey grew to be much more than that.  I realized that even as life begins filling in the voids, everything happens for a reason.

The first yoga studio I had joined regularly was one in Ann Arbor, Michigan and the yoga instructor that taught this class focused on a lot of heart opening poses each and every class. It was as if I was in the right place at the right time – looking back now during that time in my life. You don’t always see what life has in store for you until you’ve usually walked through that phase and truly appreciate the changes that have happened.

I then moved to another part of Michigan and found another amazing studio in Northville. Here it was the people and love that helped heal me. During each svasana at the end there was internal healing that happened – along with a couple quick naps. Come on, who hasn’t fallen asleep in shavasana?

I then continued on my yoga journey to become a certified yoga instructor (RYT200). I try and teach yoga where and when I can. Giving back is the best part of it.

I’m going to share with you a few of my favourite poses for healing yoga, both mentally and physically.

1 – Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

There are many variations of this pose depending on your flexibility and openness. Start with what is comfortable to you. This is one of the biggest heart opening poses as it is tied to your sense of love, compassion, acceptance and forgiveness. Something we all need more of in this day and age.

Start with your knees touching the mat with your knees hip width apart, similar to a kneeling position. Take the palms of your hand and place it on your sacrum. Lean back without compressing your lower back where you can use your palms to gently push forward while your chest goes back. Try to have your chest face the ceiling. If you’re able to bring the hands to your heels and let them rest there. With each inhale lift your chest higher towards the ceiling / sky. With each exhale bring your hips to align over your knees. If you can, let your head hang back. Stay in the pose for 5 to 10 breaths. When coming out of the pose engage your core and slowly bring your chest forward and your head should come up last. After this you should do balasana (child’s pose) or a forward fold to counter balance the heart opener for a few breaths.

2 – Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This is another heart opener where it works on opening the heart chakras and promoting a sense of healing throughout the body. So many of us may be familiar with upward dog and think they’re the same but these poses are very different where in cobra your legs, pelvis and your lower ribs stay touching the floor.

Begin by lying on your belly, with legs behind you spread hip width apart. Slowly adjust your forearms, bringing them towards your lower body, until your elbows are lined just under your shoulders, making your back somewhat upright. Keep your lower back relaxed so you are not compressing it. Try to hold the pose for 1-3 minutes for enhanced relaxation.

3 – Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Never underestimate the power of a good shavasana, usually used as your final resting pose in a class. Healing Yoga allows your body to realign and regroup. Take those few minutes to do this pose instead of walking out of class a bit earlier. You will definitely feel more grounded for the remainder of the day.

To go into this pose, lie flat on your back with your lower back touching the ground, legs spread wider than hip width and your toes splayed outwards. Bring your hands beside your body and your palms facing upwards. Close your eyes and relax, go through each part of your body and remind yourself to relax – from head to toe. I find the jaw is one area where we hold a lot of stress and pressure without even realizing it all day. Take notice and let it relax even for a few minutes. Breathe in and out slowly through your nose and continue to allow your body those few minutes of rest. Once you’re ready to come out of the pose, start with wiggling your fingers and toes, opening your eyes, then rolling to the left side and slowly coming up with the support of your arms.

Healing Yoga not only strengthens your mind, body and heart, but it can also help heal it.

Comment below if you’ve tried any of these poses or if yoga has impacted your life in any way?

xo, Zarine


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Zarine Bharda

Lead with light, build with love, and grow with gratitude.

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