What Are Essential Oils?

The use of plant essence in medicine and beauty dates back to the time when humans lived in close contact with nature. Plants produce certain volatile aromatic compounds in order to attract the right pollinators and to discourages pests and predators from paying a visit. This distinctive smell or essence is due to the essential oil of the plant, which has tremendous potential for human needs.

Essential oils are highly concentrated steam distilled liquid extracts. The oils are derived from leaves, flowers, bark, seeds, peel, fruits, or any part of the plant. Put a tiny drop on your fingertip. You’ll immediately realize that the name itself is a misnomer because they are neither sticky nor oily. They are considered “oils” because they blend well with other oils, but not with water. Essential oils are known for their aromatic benefits. Aromatherapy is an ancient practice of using therapeutic properties of aromatic oils for beauty, wellness, and healing a range of common ailments. There are many ways to use essential oils. The three categories are:

  1. Inhalation: This method involves diffusion through candles, air fresheners, home diffusers, etc. Your sense of smell is directly linked with the part of the brain controlling various emotions. The inhalation method is most common for catering to various emotional needs.
  2. Topical application: Essential oils are not considered safe if directly apply to your skin. Always dilute them first with a carrier oil. Once diluted to 1-5%, they can become the most sought after product in your beauty and health regimen.
  3. Ingestion: Essential oils can be ingested. But only therapeutic grade oils while taking any precautions listed on the bottle.

Why Should You Use Essential Oils?

Imagine my dilemma when my child is unable to sleep because she has major nasal congestion. I’m aware that an over-the-counter decongestant can’t be used for more than three days. Or it can trigger a more serious infection. And they’re just not that good for you. Why would I want my child to face the harmful side effects.

What can I do? Don’t give in to the quick fixes and temporary relief in exchange for your child’s long term health. Find something that works and is beneficial for your child in the short term and long term. Use an essential oil roll-on with dōTERRA’s Breathe blend diluted with coconut oil or another carrier oil and rub it on their feet bottoms or chest. Diffuse a few drops of Eucalyptus oil or dōTERRA’s Breathe blend in the room. I could even have my child safely inhale steam infused with 4-5 drops of Eucalyptus oil. Any of these solutions will help clear any nasal congestion and help my child sleep soundly. A few natural measures can make all the difference.

Essential oils are potent – in a good way! The reason why is the way they’re extracted. A huge amount of the original flower goes into making just a tiny bottle of the oil. For example, it takes around 60 roses to make just a single drop of Rose oil! Imagine applying the essence of 60 roses on your skin. What effect will it have on your skin texture?

If you’re looking for even more ways to use the oils that you purchase, check out more recipes here.

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Zarine Bharda

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