My Journey to Essential Oils: How to Experience the Healing Power of Essential Oils

My Journey to Essential Oils


Welcome to my blog. I’m Zarine Bharda and let me share with you some of my beautiful experiences in this voyage called life. I’m a wife, a mom of three, baker, lifestyle blogger, certified yoga instructor and an engineer residing in India.

I am a true blood Canadian but I’ve been living in India for the past 9 years after meeting my love, Dara.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would even consider living in India but when it’s meant to happen it just does. I’m delightful I’ve met the love of my life and at present I’m enjoying and doing a great job as a wife and mother to our three lovely children namely Behzad, Shahnaz and Shanaya. Oops… adding up to our family list, our cute pet pony, Chestnut.

I ensure that I nurture my kids with love, patience, respect, and encouragement each day. I do believe I’m successful as a mom ‘coz I’ve been giving unconditional love, care and understanding to them since day 1.

For me, being a mom or a parent is the most meaningful role or job in the world. I love motherhood.

Keep reading onwards if you want to know more about me…

Yes, I am an empowered and passionate Womanpreneur.

Currently, I’m focusing on my businesses, Healing Oilistic and Empowering people to take control of their health and life choices. In addition to a few public charitable causes and social work.

Baking is one of my long-time passions and our kitchen is one of my most happy places in the house. However, this business has taken a back burner as my other passions have pushed forth.

But I appreciate more the journey of being an entrepreneur. When I first joined doTerra back in 2014, I absolutely fell in love with the oils as they changed my life and allowed me to empower my own health journey through essential oils. Through doTerra, more business opportunities also came sweeping at my door.

You know when people talk about the energy you attract and how your thoughts dictate the energy. Hence, I discover in this stage of my life that my main purpose has changed to serving; helping and empowering people and women in particular to take control of their lives and their health for the better.

I really love helping people, it’s what drives me.

My doTerra essential oil journey all started in 2014 when a friend of mine shared its amazing products with me. Immediately, I fell in love with natural healing and the capabilities of these essential oils. Since then, essential oils have been a necessity for me and my family.

We use it to soothe headaches, nausea, stomach pains, colds, flu, body pains, and a lot more. Clearly, using essential oils got me and my family hooked. Choosing to use doTERRA is a life empowering choice and helps me serve my purpose – to give back. It’s not just a living.

My core purpose is to help other people all over the world to help find safe and natural alternatives using essential oils that are suitable to them and their stage of life. This also helps others build a business in order to support and provide for their families.

I guarantee that my family and I, 100% trust and use doTerra essential oils and products.

As a doTerra wellness advocate, I want to share the incredible natural healing and health benefits they offer to you.

Why moms like me love doTerra essential oils?

It’s simply because these oils are all natural, therapeutic and convenient to use. You can carry them handy in your bag and use it whenever you need them, wherever you are.

Moreover, every single doTerra essential oil is carefully and thoroughly tested using the strict CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® quality protocol. Experienced essential oil users will immediately recognize the superior quality standard for naturally safe, purely effective therapeutic-grade doTerra essential oils.

Steam Distillation and Expression of oils are two complex and operational doTerra processes of extracting essential oils. Oils are made from naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds found in the seeds, flowers, roots, bark, stems, and other parts of plants.

doTerra Oils can be both amazingly and powerfully fragrant. These oils can be used in food preparation, beauty regimens, and health care practices.

There are so many things to discover about doTerra essential oils.

If you are interested in joining my doTERRA team as a wholesale customer or as a prospective entrepreneur, I would love to have you!

My key goal is to help people build their own natural healing and beneficial ‘medicine’ cabinet made of essential oils while getting financial profits for their families.

I’m here and I’m willing to help and support you achieve your goals in this journey.

The primary thing I indeed love about the affiliate program is the straight forward business practice. Just share the product and be compensated, period.  There’s no pressure to perform. You are your own boss.

I promise to share more articles about essential oils here in “” or if you’re eager to learn more about the doTerra affiliate program, read this article on how to buy essential oils, send me a message, or call me right away.

Can’t wait to share amazing oils with you!

Lastly, let me tell you what keeps me going; it’s the dream of success and sharing success. Whether that be success in taking control of your health, life, or finances. You choose which success story you want written for yourself.

I want to make each day be the best one through enlightening and helping others experience life with essential oils.

At this time, allow me to thank you for reading and I want to end this by leaving you these statements — my maxim in life.  “Dig deep, find your calling in life and follow it. Follow your intuition and make it happen. Be kind, give back, live life.”

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Zarine Bharda

Lead with light, build with love, and grow with gratitude.

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