Laughter is the Best Medicine

It feels good to share a good laugh. But did you know it can work as an excellent medicine for your health?

Yes, it does!

Apart from being contagious, it can activate the body’s natural relaxation response. To put in simpler terms, laughing is like jogging – toning abdominal muscles and providing an exceptional massage to all the internal organs. For me, I would rather take laughter anyday over having to jog or run.

Welcoming Laughter in your Life

Learning to laugh is the first few things infants do within a few weeks. They learn to gurgle and laugh out loud. Laughter is your birthright that you keep forgetting as you grow. But, it’s never too late. You can start by putting it in practice again.

Do you ever find that as you get older and the more responsibilities you take on, laughter naturally diminishes in your life? Try not to let that happen. One thing I do is I try and watch a funny YouTube video or a show that is bound to make you laugh out loud.

Let’s start laughing today!

Begin by setting specific times only to seek out humor and laughter. Continue to build from there. Soon, you’ll want to inculcate humor and laughter into every slice of life, finding it naturally in everything.

Ok, so maybe you find it hard to laugh?

No worries!

Start with smiling. For each person you walk by on the street – give them a smile. This natural progression will help you ease into laughter.

When you look at something or someone you find pleasing, practice smiling. Don’t let technology consume you. Instead, look around. Smile at people you pass by in the street. It will not only bring a smile to your face but others too.

Try to notice your blessings and list them. It will help you gain a positive perspective of life and, eventually, give you reason to smile. When you are sad, review the list, and your perspective will shift away from sadness in no time.

Don’t wait for others to make you laugh. Add humor in your thoughts and conversations.

Can Laugh Really be the Best Medicine?

Gives the Ultimate Relaxation

First and foremost, laughter relaxes your whole body. Laughing regulates the working of heart, relieves physical tension and stress. Thus, providing you relaxation for approximately the next one hour.

Improves the Immune system

Lowering the stress hormones, it helps boost the immune system by increasing immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies. Therefore, improving your resistance power.

Helps Relieve Pain

Laughter triggers the natural feel-good hormones in our body, known as endorphins. It helps promote overall well-being of your body. And also relievs pain temporarily.

Calorie Buster

Although it is not a replacement to the gym, laughter does burn calories. Studies show that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes can burn up to 40 calories.

Helps Control Anger

Are you loaded with anger? Laughter can help you to lighten it. Nothing can diffuse anger and conflict faster than a shared laugh. It allows you to calm down and think better.

With all the health benefits laughter provides, it can contribute you to live longer.

Laughter brings social benefits, mental health and physical health, all at once. Socially, it strengthens a relationship, enhances productivity, helps solve conflicts and promotes group bonding. Mentally, laughter can add purpose of life, ease tension and anxiety, improves mood and strengthen resilience. Physically, it can boost immunity, lower stress hormones, decrease pain, relax muscles, prevent heart disease and much more. Laughter is, indeed, the best medicine to cure any illness.

So, are you ready to start laughing? Share with us in the comments section.

xo, Zarine

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Zarine Bharda

Lead with light, build with love, and grow with gratitude.

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