Have Type 2 Diabetes? You Need to Know This About the Keto Diet

Ketogenic (commonly called “keto”) diet plans seem to be all the rage these days.

There is no shortage of people talking about its benefits, and urging others to jump on the bandwagon.

However, it isn’t a good idea to start a whole new diet plan before thoroughly researching it, especially the pros and cons.

Keto recipes for diabetes - how to find the best ketogenic recipes that are great for diabetes. Find solutions for diabetes with keto diet for beginners
Keto diet for diabetes


Furthermore, you should also consult your doctor to get a better idea before going through with any such diet plan.

I personally feel that instead of going on a diet, it should be a lifestyle change, and for me it has become one.

I can notice the difference in how my body reacts to the foods I choose to nourish myself with. How consuming no sugar (or minimal) is truly what my body is asking for.

Keto diet breakfast

What Is a Ketogenic Diet?

It is a diet plan focused on foods that are very low in carbs and high in fats. Weight loss is the primary aim of a keto diet, which is achieved by the near-total elimination of carbs. By doing so, you put your body through the process of “ketosis,” which causes it to burn fats for use as energy.

For most, carbohydrates are the body’s source of energy. When there is a total or almost total absence of them (less than 20g), there is no choice but to burn fats to get the needed energy. Also, like any other weight loss program, a keto diet limits your food intake. However, the quality of food is just as important as the quantity. Always aim for pasture raised organic foods.

Keto recipes for diabetes - how to find the best ketogenic recipes that are great for diabetes. Find solutions for diabetes with keto diet for beginners
ketogenic diet ideas for diabetes

Keto Diet Specifics

Here is a bit of a heads up if you are planning on going keto soon. Fish and other seafood are great meat alternatives on a keto diet. Cheese, meat, eggs, poultry, full fat plain yogurt, and low-carb veggies (no carrots or potatoes) are some of the other items that you will be feasting on.

On the other hand, until your body is in burning fat for fuel mode, you will have to completely let go of fruits, legumes, grains (including pasta and bread), and anything else that has sugar in it. Whether you’re on keto or not, you should always read the nutrition labels at the side of a box or on the item. It will indicate which portion of the carbs are sugars, both naturally and added in the product, and which portion can be counted as fiber.

A standard keto diet comprises of 75% fats, 20% proteins, and 5% carbs. It is quite a change and the adjustment tends to be hard for most people. Usually the first week or two is the worst for most where some will get the ‘keto flu’ and then go off the keto diet thinking that it is not for them. If you’re going to commit to this lifestyle I would highly recommend at least doing it for 6 weeks to start seeing the true results and affects.

Keto recipes for diabetes - how to find the best ketogenic recipes that are great for diabetes. Find solutions for diabetes with keto diet for beginners
keto recipes ideas for diabetes

Advantages of a Keto Diet

Weight Loss

The most obvious benefit of a keto plan is weight loss. When almost all carbs have been removed from your body, it starts to burn fats to fulfill its need for energy. As a result, the fat deposits disappear at a faster pace and you lose weight. It usually takes your body about six weeks to adapt to burning fat for fuel.

Moreover, foods that have a high-fat quotient reduce untimely cravings. It ensures there will be fewer middle-of-the-night trips to the kitchen if you are on a keto diet. Remember that if you are eating higher fat foods, the quantity that you eat should also be proportionate to the nourishment value of it.

Cancer Prevention

While research in this regard is still at a nascent stage, some studies have established a link between cancer prevention and low-carb food intake. Cancer thrives on sugar. When you cut all sugars out of your diet cancer typically has no where to go or spread. It seems that experts are onto something here, but it is still early to make a definitive claim in this regard.

Helpful for People With Sedentary Jobs

Unless you happen to be an elite level athlete or involved in a profession that requires lots of manual labor, the chances are you have very little physical activity every day.

It is especially true of people who have to sit at a desk and work on a computer all day. This sedentary lifestyle is not good to begin with but being on Keto can help kickstart the weight loss without even having to add additional movement to your day.

Disadvantages of a Keto Diet

Fewer Carbs May Not Be a Good Idea for Some People

People who have to exert a lot physically, such as professional athletes, need lots of carbohydrates to keep their bodies in good shape. Given the intense workout routines they have to follow, a keto diet may lead to lesser energy and little endurance. In short, a low carb diet isn’t suitable for all people. If you are exercising excessively talk to a nutritionist or use a keto carb instake calculator to determine what level of carbs is right for you to reduce. Also at what level of carbs you can ingest and still remain in ketosis.

Insufficient Sugar Intake

Getting the RIGHT type of sugar is vital. It should be from natural sources and not an added ingredient. Remember that when you’re eating something high fat, you should try and pair it with something low carb as the body is unable to burn both fats and carbs simultaneously.

Many people are unaware that our body requires some sugar if they are to function effectively. During the time it takes to become fat adapted there me a bit of a struggle to find your niche for meal prepping. Go check out some of my boards at Pinterest for meal ideas that will keep your energy up and your body nourished.

Possible Adverse Impact on the Heart

The keto diet tends to be made up of foods that have lots of meat and saturated fats in them. Consuming such stuff in abundance every day may increase your cholesterol, which may put you at a greater risk of heart disease.

Make sure that the fats that you’re consuming are the right fats. Pasture raised, organic. Eating too much of the wrong fats can cause issues in the long run. Kind of defeats the purpose of making that lifestyle change, no?

Can a Ketogenic Diet Be Good for Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes directly affects the control of blood sugar levels. Anyone suffering from it is often advised to eat well and maintain a healthy body weight level. The high fat, moderate protein, and ultra-low carbohydrate content of a keto diet might help some individuals in maintaining the right blood sugar.

However, experts do not recommend opting for a particular diet and overlooking another. Every human being is unique and the dietary needs of everyone are different too. Most doctors and nutritionists create a customized diet plan based on an individual’s preferences, eating habits, and desired weight/blood sugar level.

Impact on Blood Sugar

The human body utilizes insulin to obtain glucose from the bloodstream and carry it into the cells to gain energy. However, a diabetic body either doesn’t have insulin or it is not functioning properly in it. Because of this, the body isn’t able to use the carbs for energy which means that the sugar content in the blood of a diabetic person is high.

On top of that, if a diabetic person starts consuming more carbs, it is likely to cause an alarming spike in their blood sugar levels. Since the basic concept of a keto diet is low carbs, it can be good for people with diabetes.

Keto recipes for diabetes - how to find the best ketogenic recipes that are great for diabetes. Find solutions for diabetes with keto diet for beginners
Keto recipes for diabetics

Some research indicates that following a keto food program decreases the risk of diabetes in non-diabetic people and enhances glycemic control in diabetic individuals. It can certainly help with the control of long-term blood sugar. For people with type 2 diabetes, a keto diet could be the way to go because it enables the body to regulate glucose at a low yet healthy level.

A low-carb diet means there will be fewer spikes in blood sugar, which will lessen the need for insulin as well as other medication. However, experts have also warned that following a keto diet plan with an insulin regimen will make type 2 diabetic people more susceptible to contracting hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).


The best approach is to consult your doctor before making any diet changes while taking medication for diabetes. Remember that with each lifestyle change, each person’s body is different. Follow your gut as you know your body best. Listen to it. Nourish it. It will be what keeps you enjoying life.

xo, Zarine

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Zarine Bharda

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