Grandma’s Secret Caramel Sauce Recipe that Tastes Sooo Good

This secret caramel sauce recipe is not so secret anymore. Keep reading to see how it’s made. It’s a super simple recipe that tastes delicious.

The recipe starts with four really simple ingredients. Sugar, salted butter, heavy cream, and salt!

That’s it.

Now go to your pantry and grab them to start making this today.

I find that making a batch of this recipe is perfect where I can use half of it in my salted caramel brownies and the other half to use for dipping apple slices.

I like to either use a 3 quart deep non-stick pan or a thick bottomed pan to ensure that the sugar gets nice even heat and won’t burn easily.

If you do use a non-stick pan remember to use a silicone whisk.

You’ll want to make sure you do use a deep enough pot because when you add in the cream it does bubble upwards quickly.

You won’t want to me wasting any caramel sauce or create an extra mess to clean up.

Before you start making the caramel sauce, have all the ingredients on hand first. When the sugar starts getting brown you don’t want let it burn.

TIP: If it does burn, keep making it but move quickly.

Once your sauce is ready whisk in a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips. Chocolate helps remove the burnt taste out of the sauce.

However, if your sauce is really burnt, no amount of chocolate will save it.

Add in the sugar first and watch it start melting on medium-high heat.

Don’t touch it, it’ll start melting on its own slowly.

Once it starts turning to a dark amber colour add in the butter.

For this recipe I like using one cup demera sugar (can substitute brown sugar) and one cup granulated sugar. If you don’t have demera sugar on hand just use two cups of granulated sugar.

Have the salted butter cut into cubes and add it in once the sugar gets to that dark amber colour.

Start whisking but be careful of the heat. Next turn off the heat and add in the heavy cream and continue to whisk.

Keep whisking until you get a smooth caramel. Add in the sea salt and give it a final whisk.

DO NOT TASTE IT! It is going to be realllly hot.

I know it’s going to smell good and look luscious, but from first hand experience it will harden in your mouth and burn both the tongue and roof of your mouth to the point of no return.

Let it cool for at least 10 minutes.

You can then use it directly in my brownie recipe or store it in a jar. Once fully cooled you can refrigerate it and it will keep for a couple weeks – if it lasts that long.

I love dunking these shrewsbury biscuits in the sauce and then either topping it with a bit of chocolate or just as is.

Definitely give this recipe a try and make up a batch this week.

It refrigerates really well and you’ll have it ready to add into the salted caramel brownie recipe – coming soon!

xo, Zarine

Grandma’s Secret Caramel Sauce Recipe that Tastes Sooo Good

  • 1 cup demera sugar
  • 1 cup  granulated sugar
  • ¾ cup  salted butter at (room temperature – cut into cubes)
  • 1 cup heavy cream (room temperature)
  • 1 tbsp  Maldon sea salt flakes
  1. Have all of the ingredients on hand.

  2. Put the pot on medium high heat and add in both the sugars.

  3. Let the sugar begin melting before you start whisking it.

  4. Once it's about half melted start whisking the sugar until it is fully melted. Then stop whisking.

  5. Wait until the sugar reaches a dark amber colour.

  6. Add in the salted butter and whisk until it is melted.

  7. Take the pan off the heat and slowly pour in the cream. It will bubble up so be careful.

  8. Whisk it together slowly until everything has fully combined.

  9. Add in the sea salt and give it a final stir.

  10. Let it cool for at least 10 minutes before using in another recipe, eating, or transferring to another jar for storage.

  11. The salted caramel sauce will last for a few weeks refrigerated.

If you don’t have demera sugar, you can substitute brown sugar or another cup of granulated sugar.

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Zarine Bharda

Lead with light, build with love, and grow with gratitude.

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