The Best Essential Oil Roller Ball Recipes to Help You Look Younger and Live Younger

Who doesn’t love the smell of lavender?  One of my favourite go to oils is lavender essential oil diluted with coconut oil.  If you’re not a fan of coconut oil feel free to use any carrier oil of your choice.
Rollerballs are great as they allow you to gently massage the sensitive under eye area with gentle pressure and allow you to be as liberal with the application as you like.  This rollerball recipe is one that I use on a daily basis and absolutely love.
When I started using oils on my face – especially coconut oil – I thought that it would make my already t-zoned face a little more greasier but I’ve actually found it to be the opposite.  Even in the heat it helps keep my skin moisturized without the super oily look and feel.  And with the rollerball – you’re in control of how much you roll on and in what areas, so keep on rollin’!
This rollerball recipe is super simple and a lot cheaper than one you could buy.  I do love the doTERRA brand of essential oils and have been using them since 2013.  I’ll put some links up to their oils but feel free to use whatever brand you love.
I also like to add in a few drops of Frankincense oil as it helps to act as an astringent – bye bye acne. It has also been known to help with dark under eye circles – which mom doesn’t want that?  If you find that you don’t like the smell of it, feel free to omit it out.
I would love to hear from you for what your favourite oil brands are and what rollerball recipes you use?  Post in the comments below.
Click here to find out more about doTERRA and how to get 25% off your next purchase of essential oils.
xo, Zarine

Disclaimer: Please test a patch of any oil – diluted of course, on your skin before applying liberally to a large surface area.

Soothing Lavender Moisturizer (Rollerball recipe)

  • Lavender essential oil (therapeutic grade)
  • Frankincense essential oil (therapeutic grade)
  • Fractionated* coconut oil
  1. Drip 15 drops lavender essential oil in the rollerball container

  2. Drip 5 drops frankincense essential oil (optional)

  3. Fill the remainder of the bottle with fractionated coconut oil

*In the recipe I use fractionated coconut oil as it doesn’t freeze (if you live in colder climates or have the air conditioners going) but feel free to use some melted regular virgin cold pressed coconut oil. If you do use regular coconut oil, I usually put my rollerball in a cup of warm water while traveling and it melts pretty quickly.

Disclaimer: Please test a patch of any oil – diluted of course, on your skin before applying liberally to a large surface area.

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Zarine Bharda

Lead with light, build with love, and grow with gratitude.

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