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I used to face lot of problems related to bloating , gas. Heredity which ultimately lead to headache. You offered me sample of your Oil blend for headache and I bought digestzen for bloating and all problems. The day I bought the digestZen oil from you that same evening I was having headache, I immediately applied your blend of oils on my forehead and within span of 10-15 minutes my headache vanished like a magic.
Do Terra’s On-Guard is my go-to for natural protection against infections and supporting a stronger immunity. I’ve always been using the Breathe roll-on on my chest and nose when I’ve been congested and found it really beneficial. Through my second pregnancy, I was introduced to a couple of new essential oils such as the Tummy Tamer for nausea and indigestion, Deep Blue for body aches and Sunshine for uplifting my mood on low days. I’ve found the support from these natural oils tremendous, and I’ve managed to avoid needing to resort to any allopathic alternatives, which has been incredible!
Highly recommended her for baby related issues for parents like me who don't like to medicate their children ! Even though I am a practicing doctor ! Using oils for irregular sleep patterns in my 1 years old after about a week of using we've all fallen into an amazing sleep pattern! Thank you
Me and my family have been using Essential Oils for about 5 weeks now. They are incredibly awesome!
Our most favorite is Serenity oil. It works wonders when rubbed behind the neck and shoulders & takes away the unwanted tension we had during the day!
Deep Blue rub with a couple of drops of Copaiba is very fast and effective on pains.
I am more excited in coming months to try a lot many other Essential Oils
I have used other essential oils in the past and nothing compares to the aroma, beauty and aids brought by doTerra essential oils. My favorite doTerra oils are On Guard and Purify. I love diffusing them in the morning because it uplifts and energizes our surroundings. Also, I use a drop of On Guard when wiping our dining table every after a meal. Super love the warm and citrus smell of both oils.
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