A Keto Thanksgiving – Pumpkin Spice Panna Cotta

Where are my fellow Canadians at, eh?
Thanksgiving is huge in the US I think mostly because of Black Friday but let’s not forget about our own Canadian Thanksgiving which falls on the second weekend of October.
What do you normally do on Thanksgiving?
Do you cherish the moments with your family and friends?

Keto diet ideas for holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Halloween Day, and more #keto #diet #lowcarb #recipes #ketogenicdiet
keto diet ideas

Do you give thanks to all that you’ve been given? Comment below on something you’re thankful for – I’d love to hear what it is.
This recipe is coming to you just in time to kick start your fall baking.
But wait! It’s a no-bake recipe? What?!
Yup, I know you guys are slaving in the kitchen trying to get all that Thanksgiving prep together so this Pumpkin Spice Panna Cotta recipe will save you from the heat.
And you can make it in advance, just try not to be too tempted to eat it in advance!

Keto diet ideas for holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Halloween Day, and more #keto #diet #lowcarb #recipes #ketogenicdiet
keto recipes for beginners


Pumpkin Spice Panna Cotta
Pumpkin Spice Panna Cotta

Normally panna cotta is made with gelatin but I figured we’d change it up a bit and make this a vegetarian version and agar agar powder.
If you do want to use gelatin instead, add the gelatin after you’ve warmed up the water as you don’t want to bring the liquid to a boil like you do with agar.

Keto diet ideas for holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Halloween Day, and more #keto #diet #lowcarb #recipes #ketogenicdiet
keto diet recipes

You’ll know it’s Fall as soon as you add in the pumpkin pie spice – the aromas are heavenly! #loveisintheair
Give this recipe a try and let me know what your favorite Fall recipe is.
xo, Zarine

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Zarine Bharda

Lead with light, build with love, and grow with gratitude.

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