4 Helpful Tips to Reduce Snacking

In today’s blog, I’ll share 4 helpful tips on how you can reduce snacking… you know what I’m talking about. Step away from the kitchen.

With the latest trend in eating multiple small meals a day, we tend to eat and snack a lot.
If you’re an emotional eater it may be because we are either fed up, thirsty or we experiencing negative emotions that we are not letting out such as depression, frustration,
solitude or others. Now, even more, with all the time at home, we have quick access to our kitchens. Be mindful of what you’re stocking in the pantry and keep reading to take advantage of these tips and tricks.

Bad Eating Habits

According to a research study, people that had bad eating habits were constantly snacking on highly processed and calorie-rich foods between meals eating in front of the TV screen, skipping breakfast, drinking sugar-sweetened beverages, “eating out” frequently and “emotional eating”. Bad eating behaviours are frontline factors for the development of obesity.

The modern lifestyle makes us crave for a more convenient routine. You’ll probably agree with me when I say that most of us are devouring down an unhealthy lunch, grabbing soda, potato chips, instant ramen / Maggi, sweets, donuts or coffee all day and eating even more in the evening.

It’s getting harder to control the urge of over-eating and frequent snacking once it becomes a pattern. But we need to know better and have the initiative to stop those bad habits because it won’t do our body any benefit and can even lead to obesity or other illnesses. Nourish your body with fuel not sugar laden products

4 Simple Ways on How You Can Reduce Snacking

1.Drink Lots of Water

You must fill up your body with water because hydration is key. Drinking water can help lessen the hunger you feel before meals and thus can help you reduce your numerous snacking. Water also increase feelings of fullness following a meal and may promote weight loss. A lot of people mistake thirst for hunger. If you’re feeling hungry, drink a glass of water first. If you’re still feeling hungry after that, then nourish yourself.

You can add some citrus doTerra essential oils to your drinking water for a flavorful twist and healthy benefits. No sugar, full of flavor and therapeutic benefits. These essential oils are safe to ingest or use internally.

Here is the list of essential oils you can start with:

  • Lemon
  • Wild Orange
  • Lime
  • Grapefruit
  • Spearmint
  • DigestZen

It’s recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of water before every meal. That should be easy to do right? Try it before your next meal.

2. Always Go for Fiber-Rich Foods

high fiber intake stretches the stomach, slows its emptying rate and influences the release of fullness hormones. In addition, fiber can ferment in the bowel. This produces short-chain fatty acids thought to further help promote feelings of fullness.

3. Make Time For Your Meals

Meal prep. Meal prep. Meal prep.

I cannot say this enough. I am someone that is always thinking of food. Even after I’ve just had a meal, my husband is shocked that I’m dreaming up the next meal / dinner for the family. I love to plan out our meals. Planning out your meals for the day will train your brain about controlled eating and hunger. Of course, you can also plan your snacks for day but choose healthy food instead of pre-packed or processed food. There are now so many easy and healthy meal prep kits that are available that you can pick and choose something new for every weeknight.

Subscribe to our email list to download for FREE >>> “Top 50 Delicious Healthy Snacks” that you can eat without feeling guilty.

4. Put Those Snacks Out of Reach

It’s best to keep your snacks away from your reach because if you see them, you can resist them. Or better yet, just don’t buy them. Don’t make an excuse saying it’s for your kids because at the end of the day, your kids don’t need that junk either. At first, it might be challenging to have discipline not to get snacks that you crave for. But putting it very far from you can certainly stop mindless snacking.

There you have it. Find the drive to do these simple ways and you’ll be a little amazed on how you can become healthier and fit. Comment below on what you do to be mindful of snacking.

Also, if you want to read more about healthy recipes, click here. 

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Zarine Bharda

Lead with light, build with love, and grow with gratitude.

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